Data mining and knowledge discovery  

Data Mining defines a process of mining potentially useful information from data. In most cases it is defined as knowledge discovery from large databases. Data Mining is a technology, which unites traditional data analysis methods with modern algorithms in order to process large amounts of data. This brings a wide range of possibilities for studying and analyzing new and existent types of data, applying new methods. In the scope of the present course topics as Data Preprocessing Technologies; Classification and Cluster analysis methods and algorithms; Approaches for processing and analyzing short time series; Pattern mining in sequence data methods and algorithms; Fuzzy logic and Swarm intelligence will be presented. As also possible areas of Data Mining application will be discussed. Outcome: Able to define preprocessing steps and select appropriate methods - Test, individual practical task Able to build an apply classification and clustering models for knowledge discovery - Test, individual practical task Able to analyse short time series using data mining technologies - Test, individual practical task Able to build, train and apply artificial neural networks for knowledge discovery - Test, individual practical task Able to implement fuzzy logic into data mining methods and mine knowledge in fuzzy data - Test, individual practical task
Data mining and knowledge discovery

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