Preparation, Implementation and processing of experiments  

The study course deals with experimental data processing methods, which include work with samples of random variables, the use of regression analysis to study the relationship between variables and Fourier analysis to study periodic phenomena. Special attention is paid to the evaluation of measurement errors, as well as to the methods of testing theoretical models and hypotheses. Outcome: Can calculate values and confidence intervals for mathematical expectation, variance and standard deviation for a sample. - Laboratory works. Exam. Criteria: values and confidence intervals for mathematical expectation, variance and standard deviation for a sample of errors without errors. Is able to use a sampling method to assess the accuracy of measurements. - Laboratory works. Criteria: know how to use the confidence interval for mathematical expectation to assess the accuracy of measurements. Can determine the parameters of a linear regression model. - Laboratory works. Exam. Criteria: correctly calculate the parameters of the linear regression model of the value. Can calculate correlation and determination coefficients for two dependent random variables. - Laboratory works. Exam. Criteria: calculated correctly the correlation and determination coefficients for two dependent random variables. Can evaluate the applicability of the linear regression model for the dependence between two values. - Laboratory works. Criteria: two dependence graphs, correlation and determination coefficients, as well as confidence intervals of linear regression model parameters are correctly used to evaluate the applicability of the linear model. Can use discrete Fourier transform or fast Fourier transform to study a periodic function if the function is given by a table of values. - Laboratory works. Criteria: correctly uses the appropriate software to determine the frequencies, amplitudes and phases of the Fourier projection, correctly selects the most important investments in the Fourier projection, is able to check the final result graphically.
Preparation, Implementation and processing of experiments

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