Aircraft maintenance and Its technical management  

The study course provides basic knowledge of aircraft maintenance management in an aviation company: organization, regulations, standards, procedures, maintenance and repair programmes. Outcome: Knows the basic concepts and terms of maintenance, basic knowledge of company management. - Practical work. Control work. Testing. Exam. Knows the types of aircraft maintenance, maintenance regulations. - Control work. Testing. Exam. Knows and understands PART-145 - Practical work. Control work. Testing. Exam. Able to organize aircraft maintenance and use technical means. - Control work. Testing. Exam. Knows work with technical staff. - Practical work. Control work. Testing. Exam. Knows work quality control in the field of aircraft maintenance automation. - Control work. Testing. Exam. Knows modern management methods in the field of aircraft maintenance. - Control work. Testing. Exam.
Aircraft maintenance and Its technical management

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