Science and exploration missions  

Introduction to completed and planned space missions: Examples are (i) Gravity Probe A for testing the gravitational redshift, (ii) Gravity Probe B for testing the gravitomagnetic Schiff effect, (iii) Cassini for Saturn exploration and testing the gravitational time delay, (iv) Pioneer for planetary exploration and testing the gravitational field in the Solar system, (v) MICROSCOPE for testing the Equivalence Principle, (vi) LISA for searching for gravitational waves and the technology mission LISA pathfinder, (vii) GRACE and GRACE-FO for satellite based geodesy, (viii) ACES on the ISS for testing relativity and establishing space-based metrology, (ix) further missions testing Special and General Relativity using quantum optics, (x) asteroid and comet missions HAYABUSA and Rosetta. For each mission the requirements on the payload technology, the spacecraft technology, and on the mission scenario will be derived. Outcome: Participants are able to discuss science cases for space and exploration missions, measurement schemes and payload as well as technology requirements on payload and mission.
Science and exploration missions

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