Computer vision  

Aims The aims of the course are to: introduce the principles, models and applications of computer vision; cover image structure, projection, stereo vision, structure from motion and object detection and recognition; give case studies of industrial (robotic) applications of computer vision, including visual navigation for autonomous robots, robot hand-eye coordination and novel man-machine interfaces. Outcome: As specific objectives, by the end of the course students should be able to: design feature detectors to detect, localise and track image features; model perspective image formation and calibrate single and multiple camera systems; recover 3D position and shape information from arbitrary viewpoints; appreciate the problems in finding corresponding features in different viewpoints; analyse visual motion to recover scene structure and viewer motion, and understand how this information can be used in navigation; understand how simple object recognition systems can be designed so that they are independent of lighting and camera viewpoint; appreciate the industrial potential of computer vision but understand the limitations of current methods. Lectures for this course are shared with 4th year Engineering undergraduates.
Computer vision

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