Topographic modelling and landscape monitoring  

An introduction to Digital Elevation Modelling. Basic coverage of photogrammetric and remote sensing principles Monitoring and modelling of landscape change. Outcome: By the end of this course students will be able to: ■ Assess data sources for digital terrain modelling. ■ Discuss the applications of topographic mapping and digital terrain models. ■ Evaluate and compare algorithms for creating digital terrain and surface models from different types of data. ■ Describe and evaluate the concepts and models used in digital terrain and surface modelling. ■ Explain the principles of LiDAR and critically assess its use for Digital Elevation Model generation. ■ Explain the flowline for Digital Elevation Model production using Structure from Motion Multi View Stereo. ■ Apply methods for visualising Digital Elevation Model data. ■ Critically assess the use of topographic information in monitoring and mapping landscape change.
Topographic modelling and landscape monitoring

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