Applied land surveying  

This course covers various more advanced and applied aspects of contemporary land and engineering surveying and includes a major field work exercise. Outcome: By the end of this course students will be able to: ■ Relate the previously acquired principles of surveying to Applied Land Surveying; ■ Plan and execute a laser scanning project from reconnaissance to final 3d deliverable; ■ Create a suitable survey plan for a large scale topographic survey problem perhaps forming novel solutions on the way to becoming independent and critical thinkers; ■ Collect topographic field data with a range of modern equipment in a manner that is consistent with the principles of surveying demonstrating that they are becoming subject specialists and ethically and socially aware; ■ Demonstrate that they are effective communicators by preparing and delivering verbal and written reports on the progress, results and analysis of typical, professional surveying activities against realistic industry specifications; ■ Organise their survey group to meet authentic industry challenges including time and asset management showing they have become experienced collaborators; ■ Develop their own confidence and leadership skills showing they have become confident, adaptable, resourceful and responsible; ■ Evaluate their own development of the Glasgow Graduate Attributes, including confidence and leadership skills using specific examples illustrated in a personal reflective diary.
Applied land surveying

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