Gnss and geodesy  

This course introduces Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), with a focus on positioning - including hands-on practical experience of collecting and processing data. It also details co-ordinate reference systems and gives an overview of other satellite geodesy techniques. Outcome: On completing this unit students will be able to: ■ Describe how GNSS works (including time, orbits, signals, etc) ■ Give an overview of space geodesy capabilities and how they contribute to the ITRF ■ Describe the mathematical models for pseudo-range and carrier phase-based modes of positioning ■ Explain the mathematical models for both single receiver (absolute) positioning and relative positioning ■ Describe and assess GNSS error sources and biases, e.g. atmospheric delays and multipath ■ Select an appropriate working mode for a particular application ■ Discuss current status and future trends of GNSS ■ Process GNSS data using appropriate software and critically analyse the results
Gnss and geodesy

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