Space policy, law and ethics  

28.9. 2-4.30 Introduction, criteria for exams, literature, and documents, Mahulena Hofmann with Laetitia Zarkan 5.10. 2-4.30 Outer Space Treaty, Mahulena Hofmann 12.10. 2-4.30 Other UN Space Treaties, Mahulena Hofmann 19.10. 2-4.30 Lunar Governance: Legal Aspects, Mahulena Hofmann 26.10. 2-4.30 COSPAR, Environmental Protection of Outer Space, UN Resolutions, Mahulena Hofmann, Gabrielle Leterre 2.11. 2-4.30 European Space Activities, Mahulena Hofmann 16.11. 2-4.30 ITU Constitution and Convention, Laetitia Zarkan 23.11. 2-4.30 Cyber Law and Outer Space, PJ Blount and Laetitia Zarkan 30.11. 2-4.30 Ethics in Space Activities, Mahulena Hofmann and PJ Blount 14.12. 2-4.30 Space Activities from the Interdisciplinary Perspective, Discussion, Mahulena Hofmann. Outcome: Having taken this course students will be able to Understand the policy making in the area of the exploration and use of outer space, especially in the UN and in Europe Understand the interface between international law and policy and national law and policy Understand the system of authorization of space activities, and its consequences Understand the system of allocation of frequency bands to space services, and assignment of radio frequencies to radio stations Be aware of ethical aspects of space activities, especially the Ethics Appraisal Procedure applicable to the EU financed projects.
Space policy, law and ethics

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