Introduction to geographical information systems and science  

This module introduces students to the fundamental concepts, techniques and ideas that shape GI Science and the associated GIS Software. The module will be taught as a mix of lectures and intensive practicals. The lecture series will introduce key concepts and analytical approaches used within GI Science including; the foundations of GIS, spatial data models, data input and output, core spatial modelling and specialist analytical approaches and techniques. The practicals will be based around the core ArcGIS Pro software programme. The module will familiarise students with the software through a series of cumulative practical exercises based on a series of GIS applications from a range of subjects including geography, environmental modelling and planning. Students will also gain experience of manipulating and understanding a range of digital spatial data in the course of this module. Outcome: On successful completion of the module, students should be able to: Define key concepts and analytical approaches used within GI Science. Recognise the operating environments of GIS packages including ArcGIS and MapInfo. Demonstrate practical skills in the use of GIS packages. Manipulate and display vector and raster digital data. Manipulate, prepare and structure raw spatial data for use within GIS. Carry out a range of spatial data analyses in both vector and raster modeling environments.
Introduction to geographical information systems and science

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