Geographical information science in practice  

This module aims to introduce students to a range of applications that shape the current state-of the art in professional GI Science (GISc) and to show how various elements of GISc can be brought together to solve real-world problems. The module will be taught as a mix of lectures, practicals, workshops and employer visits. This module is intended to extend the theoretical aspects of GISc into practice by taking a problem-oriented approach, incorporating some group-work. The module will include introductions to the design and use of Web-GIS, web apps and Critical GIS. In addition contemporary applications in a range of subject areas will emphasise how geospatial data knowledge shapes society today. A final strand will incorporate a visitor programme from industry professionals to prepare students for work placements and contemporary directions in the GI Science industry. There will also be a significant independent project component to encourage students to engage with contemporary applications in Web-GIS data and technologies to develop their own ideas and knowledge. Outcome: On successful completion of the module, students should be able to: Identify a range of contemporary GI Science applications within the GI industry Critically appreciate the relationship between software, data, and solving problems Manipulate and display spatial information within Web-GIS environments Recognise the application of GI science and geospatial data in a range of social, business and technical settings.
Geographical information science in practice

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