Marine remote sensing - infomar  

This module is taught within three broad areas. The first (i) introduces the concept of ocean remote sensing, the marine framework and applications. A second area (ii) will encompass the Irish national seabed mapping programme, INFOMAR (, detailing the current and future science and technologies employed in ocean mapping (iii) the third introduces students to different datasets and spatial data management tools for ocean remote sensing. The module is a combination of theoretical and practical based sessions using both commercial and open source software. Lecture Topics include; INFOMAR overview, ocean science policy framework; historical development of ocean RS; platforms and systems; processing bathymetry and backscatter data, habitat and ecosystem product derivation, satellite derived bathymetry, photogrammetry in the coastal zone, data interpretation, mapping products, data quality framework, data connectivity and impact, stakeholders and users. Outcome: On successful completion of the module, students should be able to: Contrast the science of marine remote sensing with terrestrial techniques. Identify key systems and practices used in the field of marine RS. Recognize the range of integrated data and products associated with Marine Remote Sensing, as well as constraints and limitations, both on individual datasets, and merged products. Demonstrate an appreciation of mapping scales, data resolutions and density in the context of seabed mapping. Analyse system performance characteristics and assess data quality. Select and apply suitable seabed mapping workflows. Propose image processing techniques for correcting and analysing marine RS datasets. Detail the user requirements, stakeholders and added value products in the INFOMAR catalogue. Identify the policy framework underpinning ocean science and Identify and source additional marine data and supports via repositories such as the Copernicus Marine Environment Service.
Marine remote sensing - infomar

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