Microcontrollers and their programming  

Course aim To learn the principles of development of microcontroller-based devices dedicated to the scientific investigations. To choose the microcontroller and other elements for the microcontroller-based devices and to create the microcontroller programs using C programming language. To be able to substantiate solutions working individually or in the team Description The knowledge about the main microcontroller families and their characteristics are obtained in the course of Microcontrollers and their Programming. The PIC18 microcontroller family has been studied. The representative of this family microcontroller PIC18F4520 is studied in details. The development board dedicated to the design of electronic equipments based on the PIC18 family microcontrollers and C compiller MicroC PRO for PIC used for the creating of PIC microcontroller programs using C programming language have been studied as well. The development of concrete microcontroller programs dedicated to the processing of the analogue signals transmitted by the sensors and programs that are used for the time measurement, which can be employed during the research work, is studied. Outcome: Not Provided
Microcontrollers and their programming

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