Signals and signal processing  

Course aim Increasing of knowledge and skills in theoretical analysis of signals and their processing methods in newest technology. Be able to explain the proposed solution, self-employed or diverse. Description The course of Signals and Processing provides knowledge on the basic items of signal theory: the analysis techniques of signals changing in electronic circuits, dynamic signals mapping, geometrical methods of signal theory, orthogonal signals theory, methods of calculating the amount of information. The mathematical models of fixed range signals and their associated sampling theorem, analytical signal, Gilbert's transformation are analyzed. During the study of discrete signals and their processing the students learn to make mathematical models of discrete signals and calculate the signal characteristics. The skills to analyze creation, processing and utilization of digital signals are acquired. Analog-digital and digital-analog converters, the fast Fourier transform and its applications, digital filtering algorithms in time and frequency domain, the digital device speed are analyzed. Outcome: Not Provided
Signals and signal processing

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