Radar equipment and radio navigation  

Radio navigation systems outlines. Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) outlines. Radar receivers – the super heterodyne receiver. Mono impulse antenna operation. Phase shifter PIN diode controlled. Radar block diagram with antenna switch. Directional coupler antenna switch. PIN diode switches antenna with micro strip technology. Missile guiding directivity characteristics. Antennas with characteristic ‘High-Beam’ / ‘Low-Beam’. Spread spectrum outlines. Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). Board Doppler radar. VOR- Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range System. RALT. WXR. DME - Distance Measuring Equipment. TACAN- Tactical Air Navigation System. ILS- Instrumental Landing System. Mod S. ADS/B. ACAS / TCAS. Outcome: Not Provided
Radar equipment and radio navigation

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