Sensors and actuators  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: By passing the course a student acquires the information about basic physical principles, technical parameters, the properties and the preparation technology of selected sensors and actuators, studies the methodology at the design, modeling and simulation of various sensors and actuators types, obtains the knowledge about new development trends of selected sensors and actuators in aerospace applications and deepens the knowledge towards their possible miniaturization and integration into the functional microsystems and the smart platforms. Course Contents: The history of sensors and actuators and their parallels with microelectronics, optoelectronics and micromechanics. Technical and technological requirements for sensors and actuators for aerospace as well as for non-standard and harsh environments. Design rules, technical parameters and required properties of sensors. Physical and chemical effects and the specifications of sensors and actuators for aerospace as well as for non-standard and harsh environments (high temperatures, large range of the pressures, gravitations, aerospace radiation). Modern trends in the development of sensors and actuators: smart materials, material structures and progressive technologies of the fabrication. Pressure, position and temperature sensors. Acceleration, vibration and chemical composition sensors. Actuators using electrostatic forces, magnetic fields. Actuators using piezoelectric effect, thermal energy.
Sensors and actuators

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