Power sources  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: After completing the course, students have knowledge of basic electrochemical energy sources with emphasis on primary and secondary batteries and fuel cells for use in space engineering and space applications. Students understand the principles of operation of these resources, they are acquainted with their construction, degradation mechanisms, and systems for managing their performance. Students are also informed about hydrogen generators and methods of its storage. The knowledge is focused on the design and use of electrochemical energy sources for space applications, but they can also be used in other industries. Students also have knowledge of solar radiation and its use, they will learn the principles of photovoltaic transformation. The knowledge is focused on materials and material structures for photovoltaic transformation with an emphasis on extraterrestrial applications and specific conditions in the space environment. By completing the course, students will gain knowledge of the constructions and materials of cable systems used for the transmission of electrical energy in space applications. They will also gain basic knowledge of the nuclear energy sources used in space Course Contents: Requirements for electrochemical sources in space, principle of electrochemical energy storage, primary and secondary batteries, Li-ion batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen systems, hydrogen generators and hydrogen storage, degradation mechanisms of energy sources with emphasis on space conditions, power management systems for electrochemical energy sources, construction of energy sources for space applications. Energy systems for space applications. The sun as a source of energy, solar radiation in terrestrial and extraterrestrial conditions. Photovoltaic transformation, photoelectric and photovoltaic phenomenon, solar cells and modules, specific requirements of space applications, photovoltaic systems in space. Degradation processes. Thermal energy, waste heat. Transport of electricity, wires and cables for space applications. Nuclear energy sources in space. Radioisotope thermoelectric generators (X-ray). Nuclear reactors for space applications.
Power sources

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