Mechanics and thermokinetics of space systems  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: Student is able to analyze satellite components as well as whole satellite from viewpoint of structural stiffness and heat transfer. Student is able to analyze structural satellite design loaded by static and dynamic forces. He is able to perform a modal, harmonic and transient analysis of satellite components using Finite Element Method (FEM). Student is able to realize heat transfer analyzes of individual components considering individual heat transfer modes. Student is able to perform, similarly to structural analysis, thermal analysis using FEM. Course Contents: Satellite structures and materials. Satellite subsystems. Satellite structural design. Strength analysis of space systems. Static strength analysis. Modal analysis. Harmonic response analysis. Thermal deformation analysis.Spacecraft structural analysis using finite element method.Heat transfer mechanisms. Conductive heat transfer. Fourier's law of heat conduction. Convective heat transfer. Newton's law of cooling. Radiative heat transfer. Stefan-Boltzmann law. Heat generated by the spacecraft electronics. Passive and active thermal control. Spacecraft thermal analysis using finite element method.
Mechanics and thermokinetics of space systems

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