Space communication  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: Students will acquire basic knowledge concerning satellite and deep space communication challenges and approaches how to address them from information theory and communication theory point of view. Particularly they will know which channel models and signals are applicable in space communication and why transmission coding is inevitable for deep space communications and advantageous for satellite communication systems. They will know the concept of optimal receiver for linear and nonlinear modulations used in space communication, transmission codes starting from first used in space and finishing with up to date ones, how they are encoded and decoded using hard and soft methods starting from syndrome decoding and finishing with turbo and belief propagation decoding. They will be able to calculate link budget for space communication systems, know basic modulations and multi access method used in satellite communications systems. They will also become aware about application of communication and communication-like signals in telecommunication, navigation and sensing satellites Course Contents: 1. Satellite, deep space and terrestrial communication systems and bandwidths for wireless communication; 2. Channel models and signals applicable in space communication and their interaction with systems; 3. Optimal receiver; 4. Space communication from Information theory perspective; 5. Channel capacity and why transmission codes are inevitable in space communication in AWGN channel; 6. Convolutional codes-first transmission codes in applied in space; 7. From first block codes applied in space- Golay codes to Reed Solomon codes; 8. Up to date space codes; 9. Link budget; 10. Satellite systems; 11. Multiple access in telecommunications satellites; 12. Bandwidths, signals and transmission codes for satellite communication, navigation and sensing..
Space communication

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