
Learning outcomes of the course unit: The goal of the course is to provide an introduction to the exciting new field of astrobiology, including all of the major disciplines astrobiology is related to. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge, by successfully completing this subject, on the: astronomical and planetary context for the origin of life; concepts of pre-biological chemical evolution and the history of life on Earth; prospects for life elsewhere in the Universe, together with its scientific and philosophical issues; and the potential of humanity to expand beyond Earth. Course Contents: Introduction to Astrobiology: latest news, history and direction of the research field. The origin and distribution of biologically important chemicals in the Universe. Initial conditions in the early Solar System and on Proto-Earth. Basic tools for terrestrial life - replication and metabolism. The origin of life on Earth - from abiogenesis to panspermia. History of life on Earth. Limits of the biosphere and extremophiles. Biosignatures and the requirements for life. Looking for life elsewhere in the Solar System. Exoplanets and habitable zones. Search for extraterrestrial intelligence in the Universe. Expansion of humanity into space.

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