Mathematical methods of physics b  

LEARNING OUTCOMES After the course, the student will be familiar with basic concepts of calculus on differentiable manifolds and Riemannian geometry, which are mathematical tools used in physics e.g. in the contexts of general relativity and gauge field theories. The student will also be familiar with basics of Lie algebra representation theory, which is used e.g. in particle physics and condensed matter theory. The student can work with differential forms, express metrics in different coordinates and compute metric tensors of general relativity. He also understands basic representations of Lie algebras used e.g. in the theory of strong interactions. CONTENT Differentiable manifolds and calculus on manifolds: differentiable manifolds, manifolds with boundary, differentiable maps, vector fields, 1-form fields, tensor fields, differentiable map and pullback, flow generated by a vector field, Lie derivative, differential forms, Stokes' theorem Riemannian geometry: metric tensor, induced metric, connections, parallel transport, geodesics, curvature and torsion, covariant derivative, isometries, Killing vector fields Semisimple Lie algebras and representation theory: SU(2), roots and weights, SU(3), introduction to their most common unitary irreducible representations
Mathematical methods of physics b

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