After the course, the student will...
learn to know relativistic kinematics and the Standard model of particle physics.
be able to apply relativistic kinematics to calculation of total and differential cross-sections/widths.
understand more deeply the Standard model of particle physics and its basis.
be able to apply the understanding of the Standard model to particle physics phenomenology especially at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
be familiar with the most popular extension of the Standard Model of particle physics.
Relativistic kinematics: special relativity, phase space, two-, three- and multi-particle final states.
Standard Model: theoretical framework, principle of gauge invariance, quantum electrodynamics (QED) and chromodynamics (QCD), elektroweak unification, the Higgs mechanism and electroweak precision measurements.
Beyond the Standard Model (BSM): signs of BSM physics, basic principles of extensions of the Standard Model, Grand Unified Theories, supersymmetric and extra dimensional models.
Hadron colliders: deep inelastic scattering and hadron-hadron interactions.
LHC phenomenology: QCD, electroweak, top and Higgs