General relativity II  

LEARNING OUTCOMES You will learn the physical and mathematical structure of the theory of general relativity. You will learn how to do calculations in general relativity, including with black holes, linear perturbation theory, gravitational waves and a little bit also in cosmology. CONTENT Chapter 1: action formulation of general relativity Chapter 2: global structure of the Schwarzschild solution, black holes, Penrose diagram, brief overview of charged and rotating black holes and Hawking radiation Chapter 3: perturbation theory around Minkowski space, gauge transformations, gravitomagnetism, gravitational waves, generation of gravitational waves by a binary system, energy loss due to emission of gravitational waves Chapter 4: Killing vectors, symmetric spacetimes, FLRW spacetime, de Sitter space, anti-de Sitter space, Penrose diagrams
General relativity II

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