Astrophysical light scattering problems  

LEARNING OUTCOMES The course Electromagnetic Scattering II offers an introduction and theoretical foundation for elastic electromagnetic scattering by complex random media of particles, in other words, for multiple electromagnetic scattring. As compared to the wavelength, the media can span from a few wavelengths onwards to the scale of thousands of wavelengths. As to the geometry of the media, media composed of both spherical and nonspherical particles are treated. Finally, the course includes practical application of existing multiple-scattering software in both laptop and supercomputing environments to interpret spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric observations in astronomy as well as scattering measurements in the laboratory. CONTENT Astrophysical light scattering problems provides a cross-scale journey in light scattering (electromagnetic scattering) with a particular emphasis in applications. The course starts with an introduction to the basic concepts and computational methods, whereafter experimental measurements are assessed. Various applications are introduced for planetary system objects, interstellar and circumstellar dust, and exoplanets. Students are actively engaged in the interpretation of spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric observations as well as laboratory measurements. The interpretation takes place using both laptop and supercomputing environments.
Astrophysical light scattering problems

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