Advanced space plasma physics  

LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course, you are intended to have the ability to: navigate the terminology and idiosyncrasies of space physics publications, enabling you to independently study and learn from research papers in the field derive different mathematical approaches to plasma physics from first principles, most importantly: single-particle, kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic equations discern which of these approaches are applicable and practical for a given physical problem obtain satellite measurement data from public data sources and interpret their results analyze plasma wave properties for remote sensing of plasma conditions identify and appraise plasma phenomena at the Sun, in the solar wind, in Earth's magnetosphere and in the ionosphere independently approach and study new plasma physics problems, and communicate your findings CONTENT These lectures are intended to advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students interested in space physics, plasma physics, applications of electrodynamics, statistical physics, hydrodynamics, etc. The course starts with plasma fundamentals, reviewing the basic concepts and looks more in depth to plasma distribution functions. The other topics include A detailed description of charged particle motion in electromagnetic fields, including time and spatially varying fields, including adiabatic invariants, motion in current sheets, and galactic cosmic rays will be covered. The wave propagation in dielectric media, the main focus being on propagation through the layered ionosphere, but cold plasma wave theory will be briefly revised. A detailed coverage of the Vlasov theory and Landau damping A brief revision of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory, the main focus will be put on subjects like force-free fields, flux ropes in space plasmas and magnetic helicity. Plasma Instabilities (micro- and macroinstabilities) Theory of collisionless shocks waves, dissipation of shocks, shock acceleration and solar energetic particles Magnetic reconnection (both theory and observations in space plasmas) Basics of solar dynamo Radiation and scattering (e.g., Bremsstrahlung, cyclotron and synchrotron) Transport (Fokker-Planck theory) The contents of the course are oriented around the research fields that are investigated in the Space Physics research group. The course stays close to the possible thesis topics and concepts that actual research work in the field is based on.
Advanced space plasma physics

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