Numerical space physics  

LEARNING OUTCOMES You will learn about the various simulation methods that are used in space physics, why they are used and how they are used, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. You will learn hands-on what running a simulation entails and how the data can be analysed. You will understand the principles behind the numerical methods of the simulations, in particular magnetohydrodynamics. You will be able to study space physics problems using advanced numerical simulations. CONTENT The course consists of three thematic packages. To begin with, the role of simulation methods in space physics is reviewed in which the how, what and why of simulations are presented on a general level. More focused topics such as methods for visualisation and analysis of simulation data are also discussed. The second theme focuses on individual algorithms, in particular the numerical methods of hyperbolic conservation laws, magnetohydrodynamics, and PIC simulations. A major part of the course is the final hands-on project assignment in which the students individually apply a simulation method to study a particular problem in space physics.
Numerical space physics

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