Special course in cyber security II  

Description: This course aims to give an insight to students regarding Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and their potential security problems. The course is prepared and given by three different research groups from the School of Information Technologies, namely, Environmental Sensing and Intelligence, the Centre for Hardware Security, and the Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.  The first part of the course introduces the fundamentals of cyber-physical systems based on small-scale outdoor sensing systems. The second part focuses on hardware security, and the rest of the course focus on network security of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and threat modeling. Learning outcomes: After completing this course, the student: - recognizes the main components of a cyber-physical system for critical infrastructure protection, - discusses potential hardware and firmware-based security attacks; - understands basic device/network-based attacks and potential security vulnerabilities; - conducts threat modeling and identifies the potential security threats addressing cyber-physical systems.
Special course in cyber security II

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