The physics of the interstellar medium  

The course covers the physical processes that dominate in the interstellar medium. In particular, it covers photoionization, recombination, line emission, continuum emission, dust and shocks. Applications are made for planetary nebulae, supernova remnants, interstellar clouds, stellar winds and active galaxies.It is expected that the student after taking the course will be able to: - know and understand the physical processes that dominate in the interstellar medium and other similar gases - to estimate temperature and ionization/excitation conditions in such gases and the temperature in dust that may exist - describe which components that exist in the interstellar medium, their properties, and which of them that are in rough pressure equilibrium and which of them are not - show understanding for the types of shocks that may exist in the interstellar medium - show ability to independently acquire knowledge about the physical processes that are treated in the course, as well as in an independent way communicate this knowledge to other students and the teachers - interpret spectral information from the emission and absorption of radiation which is produced in the interstellar medium and other similar gases.
The physics of the interstellar medium

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