Team project  

LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT After completing the course, students will gain an overview of project management in the field of innovative technologies and practical experience with the application of this knowledge in teamwork. . COURSE CURRICULUM 1. Project assignment (topics, framework), introduction to project management 2. Classical and agile management techniques 3. Budgeting & Cost control, Risk management 4. Presentation 1 - project proposal 5. --- team work --- 6. --- team work --- 7. --- team work --- 8. --- team work --- 9. --- team work --- 10. --- team work --- 11. --- team work --- 12. --- team work --- 13. Presentation 2 - project solution AIMS The course is focused on practical aspects of project management. The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basics of project management and to apply this knowledge in solving a team project during the semester.
Team project

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