Wireless communications  

LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT The graduate of the course is able to: (a) choose a suitable filter for intersymbol interference reduction; (b) discuss the methods of optimal reception; (c) explain the principles of modulation techniques; (d) create a MATLAB program simulating the principles of digital communication theory; (e) illustrate the structure of OFDM modulator and demodulator; (f) compute the output of the space-time coders. COURSE CURRICULUM 1. Radio communication system, radio communication signals, complex envelope 2. Deterministic and stochastic acces techniques 3. Detection of radio communication signals, hypothesis testing, AWGN channel 4. Passband modulations, QAM, MPSK, CPFSK 5. Spread spectrum systems - DSSS, FHSS, spreading sequences 6. OFDM - intersymbol interferences, IFFT-based modulation, cyclic prefix and orthogonality 7. Synchronization I - estimation of RF carrier parameters, symbol timing estimation 8. Synchronization II - frame synchronization, network synchronization 9. Channel coding I - block coding, Hamming and cyclic codes, RS, LDPC 10. Channel coding II - convolutional and Turbo codes, interleaving 11. Multi antenna techniques - MIMO, beamforming 12. Examples of commercial satcom systems - Inmarsat, Intelsat, Starlink 13. Examples of communication systems for space missions AIMS The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the wireless communication link, representation of information, signal detection, methods of intersymbol interference supression, advanced coding techniques including Turbo and LDPC, radio channel characteristics, digital keying, synchronization techniques and with properties of OFDM, CDMA and MIMO techniques in communications.
Wireless communications

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