Physics and astronomy student colloquium  

Description of qualifications To teach the student to communicate Scientific Research Contents The course starts with 2 times 45 min introduction (February and September) where the purpose of the course is presented, and lectures on how to give a good presentation are given. At the same time, the schedule for the students' own colloquia is agreed upon. Each student chooses a subject from physics or astronomy, for example inspired by a recent scientific paper published in a major journal. A supervisor is chosen to help the student with the scientific content of the colloquium. The student then acquaints herself with relevant literature and prepares a 45 min talk on the subject, based on a power point presentation. The talk addresses an audience which has passed the second year of the bachelor study in physics. The student prepares an abstract to announce her colloquium. Approximately one week before the colloquium, the student gives a test colloquium to the supervisor and the person responsible for this course. At the colloquium, please, bring a USB-stick with the final version of the power point presentation as a back-up. The student gives her/his presentation to the audience, and answers any questions. The student participates in five other student colloquia during the same semester.
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Physics and astronomy student colloquium

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