Observational astrophysics II  

The course prepares for practical work with the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course Astronomisk observationsteknik I, AN, 7,5hp (AS7003). The practical work is done with an advanced telescope during one week. The course gives knowledge and ability to write a complete observing time proposal, within which a detailed estimate and report for the requested time is included, as well as a plan for observing the selected targets. The course gives knowledge about the large software packages that control the telescope, the selected instrument. It is expected that the student after taking the course will be able to: know and apply the extensive information needed to write an acceptable and competitive observing time proposal - know and understand telescope and instrument parameters that are specific for a given observation of celestial objects - know and present the signal-to-noise requirements given for the astronomical/astrophysical context on the one hand, and how this can be realized at the telescope on the other - know and apply the available astronomical analysis software and reduce the gathered data - in an independent way present this knowledge to other students and the teacher.
Observational astrophysics II

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