Advanced projects in stellar evolution  

Description of qualifications The aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Stellar Evolution and the project course in Stellar Evolution. The course will be an extension of the course on the projects in Stellar Evolution and it is a requirement that the student follow the projects course before starting on the advanced project course. The Advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course and the Stellar Evolution projects with the advanced projects in Stellar Evolution. The course will start in the semester following the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course. The course on advanced projects in Stellar Evolution will allow more extended projects than the course on projects in Stellar Evolution. When the course is finished the student is expected to be able to: Plan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus. Analyse data or perform modelling or simulations. Search for relevant scientific literature. Evaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project Collaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result Present the results as a small talk at a final workshop day. Contents The course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Stellar Evolution and the course on projects in Stellar Evolution and will focus on in-depth advanced study and specialisation within research on Stellar Evolution. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced modelling, simulations, advanced data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.).
Advanced projects in stellar evolution

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