Advanced stellar evolution  

Description of qualifications The aim of the course is to provide a detailed background for stellar structure and evolution. Focus is on theoretical as well as observational aspects of stellar evolution.   The learning outcomes of the course are:   Describe the basic physical principles determining the structure and evolution of a star. Account for the most important phases in the evolution of stars, for all relevant stellar masses. Account for the circumstances where the simple description is inadequate. Discuss relevant physical aspects during the extreme phases of stellar evolution. Evaluate which aspects of the physical description of stellar evolution that in particular causes uncertainties in the modelling. Carry out simple derivations of relevant equations for stellar structure. Describe the observational evidence for the different stages of stellar evolution. Discuss and describe observations of stars relevant for stellar structure – specifically with focus on asteroseismology. Perform simple analysis of time series data with focus on extraction of stellar oscillation frequencies. Find relevant scientific information, e.g., in the original scientific literature, and evaluate and use this information in a written report related to the scientific content of the evaluation project. Contents After a brief summary of the basic description of stellar structure, including a more detailed presentation of important aspects of the physics of stellar interiors and an introduction to stellar hydrodynamics, the different evolution stages of stars are presented through a combination of numerical results and simplified analysis. In addition we discuss some aspects of stellar pulsations, explosive stages of stellar evolution, including supernova explosions. An important part of this course we will contain a discussion of observations of stars as well as data analysis with focus on astroseismology and how this can be used to test models of stellar structure and evolution. The exercise classes will include the introduction to and use of the stellar evolutionary codes as well as simple analysis of time series data relevant for asteroseismology. The final exam is a written assignment (project report) where the individual students will write a project report in a subject selected from a catalogue with theoretical as well as observational projects.
Advanced stellar evolution

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