Advanced mineralogy: minerals as materials  

In the first year, students with 'Biochemistry' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered. The course has the following four aims: - Gain knowledge about current research themes and methods in mineralogy, mineral physics and material science. - Learn how to apply quantitative models to answer mineralogical and material science questions. - Gain awareness of analytical techniques available to study mineralogical research questions. - Acquire the ability to understand and critically examine scientific literature in this field. This course will cover the following topics: - Crystallography, including point and space groups for crystal symmetry, reciprocal lattice. - Solid-state physics, including bonding and electronic structure of solids, surface to bulk properties of materials. - Advanced analytical tools, including spectroscopic and synchrotron methods as well as atomic force microscopy. - Modelling mineral systems, including thermodynamic and molecular dynamics simulations. - Mineral-fluid interaction. - Amorphous materials. - Hot topics at the overlap between mineralogical and material science (e.g., zeolites, carbon-phases, perovskite). - Hot topics in biomineralization. Development of transferable skills Written communications skills: The coursework of this course includes a written component, both as practical reports and a scientific abstract writing exercise in which phrasing, grammar etc. is also part of the grading scheme. Students are expected to hand in a first draft on which they receive feedback on the science and writing style from the lecturers before handing in the final version. Verbal communication skills: During this course, we hold a mini-conference linked to the abstract writing exercise. The students are given a recent scientific article covering one of the areas discussed during the course and must produce a short presentation to teach the rest of the group about the subject. Feedback is given on presentation skills by both the lecturers and the student’s peers. Problem-solving skills: throughout the lectures and practical sessions students are given tasks that require mathematical, kinesthetic and/or reasoning methods to approach the problems and find the solution. This includes examining/processing data. Technical skills: the students are introduced to the following analytical techniques during the course: infra-red and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and interferometry. In addition, the students will work with the following simulation packages: PHREEQC (solution speciation modelling). Analytical/quantitative skills: Students are given data from TEM, AFM, and Raman spectroscopy investigations to analyse during the practical assignments. The student’s use various analytical programs to analyse the data (Fityk: Raman data, Nanoscope Analysis: AFM) as well as working on paper.
Advanced mineralogy: minerals as materials

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