Capacity building for sustainable development  

Contents: This Academic Master Cluster variant offers students the possibility to develop their capacity-building skills for sustainable development through theory-enriched project-based activities, the design of an educational manual and the practice of teaching and facilitation skills. This course ELS69312 consists of the two courses ELS31806 (Environmental and Sustainability Education), ELS32806 (Educational Design and Teaching for Sustainability) and an additional assignment that covers the AMC learning goals for (1) working on a real-life sustainability topic and with an organization in society (e.g., government, private, non-governmental/civil society), (2) managing teamwork and social team dynamics, and (3) personal and professional development. NB. To prevent for a study load that extends the 12 EC study load of the two courses, some assignments from the two underlying courses will be slightly reduced in workload for AMC students. Learning outcomes: After completion of this course students meet the learning outcomes of the courses ELS31806 and ELS32806, and are expected to be able to: - design an educational manual on a sustainability topic in consultation with a real-life organization in society, and focusing on the competencies stakeholders need to address a sustainability topic; - facilitate (peer group) teamwork in either ELS31806 or ELS32806, show insight in, and how to stimulate group dynamics and effective teamwork, and adjust their facilitation interventions to these insights; - design and facilitate a reflective (evaluative) group meeting in either ELS31806 or ELS32806; - set SMART learning goals for their professional and personal development in the context of the two courses and beyond and show how to actively achieve these learning goals.
Capacity building for sustainable development

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