Chemical principles  

Obligatory base module 1 Learning outcomes The student who has passed the course: * Can describe the electronic structure of the atoms and knows the relations between electronic structure and the properties of atoms * Knows different types of chemical bonding and can use this knowledge to predict the properties of substances * Can predict molecular shape using VSEPR and valence-bond theories * Knows the main properties of gases, liquids, and solids and relates them to the bonding * Knows the laws of thermodynamics and how to use them, also for describing of physical and chemical equilibria * Knows main acid-base theories and can calculate pH of simple solutions * Can balance redox equations and knows the basics of electrochemistry * Knows the basics of chemical kinetics and can use rate laws * Knows the most important inorganic compounds (incl. complexes), their nomenclature and reactions Brief description of content The basic principles of chemistry will be covered
Chemical principles

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