Applied synthetic biology  

Learning outcomes The students will know: 1) the recent major general breakthroughs in the field of synthetic biology; 2) major applications of synthetic biology in bio-economy; 3) major applications of synthetic biology in medicine; 4) major applications of synthetic biology in agriculture; 5) major applications of synthetic biology in chemical and material industry; 6) major applications of synthetic biology in the fields of biofuels, global warming, and in reaching the humanities goals of biosustainability. Brief description of content Microbial cell factories unit (15 lectures and seminars) Microbial cell factories yeast, bacteria. Cell factory construction in silico. Engineering of biosynthetic enzyme specificities and other applications of synthetic biology in cell factory technologies aimed for production of bio-based chemicals, proteins and bio-inspired materials. The topic of next generation biofuels and the role of synthetic biology tools to rewire the microbial metabolism for high-yield biofuel production will be discussed and exemplified with newest examples in industry (Loog, Lahtvee, Valgepea). Mammalian cell factories unit (5 lectures and seminars): Synthetic biology application in virology and fighting mosquito-spread viral diseases will be covered by Prof. Andres Merits. Synthetic biology application in plant biology and agriculture (5 lectures and seminars; Prof. Hannes Kollist). Medical applications of synthetic biology (5 lectures and seminars) (Dr. Viljar Jaks)
Applied synthetic biology

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