Introduction to programming II  

Learning outcomes After passing this course the student - can use fundamental programming constructions: variables, expressions, assignments, conditionals, iterations, procedures, recursion, regular expression, simple input/output; - knows basic datatypes and -structures (numeric types, booleans, strings, lists) and can use corresponding standard operations; - can analyze and explain the behavior of simple programs, and modify and expand them; - can design algorithms for solving simple problems, and implement, test and debug the corresponding program. Brief description of content Algorithms and programs. Representations of algorithms, flow-charts. Branching algorithms. Loops. Sub-algorithm. Refining algorithms for given text-based problems. Number systems. Bit, byte. Types. Program structure. Names. Variables. Operations. Expressions. Text output. Boolean expressions, comparing. Methods, description, return of value, invoke. Conditional statement. Loop statement. One-dimensional arrays. Array scan. Array return. Nested loops. String processing. Input and output. Data exchange with files. Screen graphics. Overview of different programming languages. Main phases of software development.
Introduction to programming II

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