Laboratory projects  

Learning outcomes The participants will become familiar with the laboratory work, with the research work. Will get to know better how to plan, do required experiments, organize and present results of a small research. The course participant: 1) knows how to find necessary information in the scientific literature; 2) is able to formulate the hypothesis; 3) plan the experiments to control the hypothesis; 4) has tried different research methods in the fields of bioengineering, chemistry, and robotics; 5) is able to analyse the results of the experiments; 6) is able to present the results of the work in both oral and written form; 7) can make a scientific presentation; 8) knows how to plan working time efficiently; 9) is able to make arrangements with supervisor(s); 10) has practical expirience in the different research fields, which improves the quality of specialisation choice; 11) has developed self-learning skills. Brief description of content Laboratory projects on different fields of experimental research. It is a work which consists of 3 small different projects based on an experimental or theoretical scientific research. Participants will choose 3 2 ECTS projects, one from the list of project topics of chemistry institute, one of institute of technology, and one of molecular and cell biology institute. The projects cover all major steps of experimental scientific research: hypothesis, model, experiment planning, experiment, analysis of the data and presenting the data in a suitable format. During the course of the project students gets the possibility to familiarise with the research group field of study, learn and practice new research methods. After comletion of each project the student makes a presentation during the seminar. Overall, after the course completion student is able to work in the research laboratory that increases the likelyhood of finding the job.
Laboratory projects

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