Principles of entrepreneurship I  

Learning outcomes The learner: 1. Analyzes her/his competencies against entrepreneurship competence to identify the strengths and areas of potential development. 2. Applies the idea generation, development and evaluation methods. 3. Analyzes entrepreneurial processes and entrepreneurship environment. 4. Conducts potential customer research to validate the product/service market potential 5. Designs business model for the ideas. 6. Defends the business model. Brief description of content During this introductory entrepreneurship course, the student gets acquainted with the ideas of entrepreneurial life style. Concepts, like an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, failure, entrepreneurial team, and other will be introduced and experienced. Creation of the business ideas, entrepreneurial processes, evaluation and feedback of developed ideas will be the central focus of this course. Also, teams will perform a small customer survey and conduct interviews with entrepreneurs. FInally, each team will get a chance to present their ideas to real entrepreneurs and practitioners.
Principles of entrepreneurship I

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