Advanced gis for geoscientists  

By the end of the course, the student will have acquired: An advanced skill level in performing a spatial analysis with a large GIS: being able to input data, perform GIS analyses and present results. A theoretical background on GIS. A view on GIS practice within and outside the University. A working experience with large and small scale spatial data and being able to apply that in research. Presentation of a GIS research: report, oral and poster. In this “hands on” course the emphasis lays on working with GIS together with a theoretical embedding. The Software used is ArcGIS 10 (desktop) and ArcGIS PRO together with Erdas Imagine (eATE, Virtual GIS and Stereo Analyst) and Agisoft Photoscan. - Learning advanced theory of geospatial data analysis - Performing a complete GIS-analysis: datainput - analysis - dataoutput/mapmaking – scientific reporting - Getting familiar with DEM extraction methods - Training in oral and written presentation of the individual exercises - Training in designing and developing a poster on DEM extraction. - Getting familiar with current Geo-spatial-datasets - Getting familiar with current GIS practice. Content Please note: maximum capacity for this course is 40 students. Priority will be given to Earth Surface and Water students, track Geohazards and earth observation. In this “hands on” course the emphasis lays on working with GIS together with a theoretical embedding. The Software used is ESRI ArcGIS (both desktop and workstation) together with Erdas Imagine (LPS eATE, Virtual GIS and Stereo Analyst, Agisoft photoscan). The course exists of two major parts: The assignment is a traditional workflow existing of the making of a “Potential Erosion Map” of a part of South Limburg, the Netherlands. Part of the data is available (Top10 and contour lines) in digital form. Another part must be digitized (soil map). The analyses are calculating derivatives and combining the data to one or more resulting maps. The maps must be presented through hardcopies in a scientific report. DEM extraction of aerial photography. This project must be presented in a poster and oral presentation. Additional smaller assignments can be given and must be handed in. Students work in groups of 2 or alone if seats or software licenses allow. Learning advanced theory of geospatial data analysis. Performing a complete GIS-project: datainput -> analysis -> mapmaking/report. Getting familiar with DEM extraction methods. Training in oral and written presentation of the individual exercises. Training in designing and developing a poster on DEM extraction . Development of Transferable Skills Handson training GIS. Report writing. Oral presentation, presentation will be video recorded. Giving feedback on oral presentations and posters. Poster making: A0 scientific poster. Technical skills: using the computer programmes ESRI platform, ErdasImagine. Agisoft, introduction python.
Advanced gis for geoscientists

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).