Science of geographical information: remote sensing and gis  

Objectives and Contextualisation This module aims to create an introductory, broad and specific framework at the same time, to the science and technology of geographic information, focusing on key concepts both of aspects of classical cartography and global positioning, as well as aspects related to remote perception and the use of Geographic Information Systems. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: Understand the main functions of different programs used in GIS and Remote Sensing. Properly use different data and metadata formats. Dominate the fundamental concepts of the various disciplines related to the position and representation of elements in space, such as photogrammetry, remote sensing or global positioning systems. Properly represent a geographical reality in a digital or analogical cartographic document. Making informed decisions about the use of remote sensing in territorial studies. Discriminate between different types of platforms and sensors according to their characteristics and to know how to choose the appropriate ones according to the objectives of the study to be carried out. Content PLATFORMS AND SENSORS 1. Platforms: Aircraft. 2. Platforms: Unmanned Aircraft. 2.1. Key points of regulation. 2.2. Classification. 3. Platforms: satellites. 3.1. Subsystems satellite. 3.2. Launching. 3.3. Spatial Orbits. 3.4. Orbital maneuvers. 3.5. Segment Earth. 4. Sensors. 4.1. Telescopes. 4.2. Lidar. 4.3. Microwave radiometers and radar. 4.3.1. Microwave Remote Sensing. 4.3.2. SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar. 4.3.3. Geometry and spatial resolution SAR. 4.3.4. "Performance" SAR. 4.3.5. SAR acquisition modes. 4.3.6. Systems airborne and satellite-SAR. 4.3.7. Interferometric applications. 5. Characterization of an instrument/Remote Sensing missions. 5.1. Spatial characterization (geometric). 5.2. Spectral characterization. 5.3. Radiometric Characterization. 5.4. Temporal characterization. PRINCIPLES OF CARTOGRAPHY 1. History of cartographic representation. 2. Geodesy. 3. Cartographic projections. 4. The UTM reference system. 5. Cartographic products: the maps. 6. Topographic and thematic mapping. GEODESY AND POSITIONING SYSTEMS 1. Geodesy and Cartography. 2. Nomenclature: what is GNSS; other systems besides the GPS. 3. Introduction to the systems of global positioning and historical development. 4. Fundamentals of the system. 4.1. Sectors or segments. 4.2. Basic measures. Code and phase. 5. Methods of operation. 6. Type of receivers. 7. Accuracy. 8. Applications. FUNDAMENTALS OF GIS 1. Introduction. 1.1. Definition of GIS. 1.2. Geographical information and GIS. 1.3.Connections and differences between GIS and other systems. 1.4. GIS Applications. 1.5. Introduction to ArcGIS and MiraMon software. 2. Models of data. 2.1. Raster model. 2.2. Vector model. 2.3. Topological structure. 2.4. Attributes, tables and validation. 2.5. Model of observations and measures. 2.6. Formats: import and export. CAD model. 3. Production of data. 3.1. Data entry. 3.2. Validation and errors. 4. Data processing. 4.1. Classification and reclassification. 4.2. Raster transformations - vector: rasterization and vectorization. 4.3. Cartographic generalization. 5. Introduction to the GIS analysis. 5.1. Arithmetic and logic operations between layers. 5.2. Analytical combinations of layers. COMPOSITION AND IMPRESSION OF CARTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTS Practical contents based on the use of different software to obtain cartography on paper. It will deal with formal issues of the composition as well as advice aimed at obtaining intelligent impressions and faithful to the reality that one wants to represent. SYNOPTICAL VIEW OF REMOTE SENSING 1. Introduction. Overview of remote sensing. 1.1. Definition. 1.2. What tools do we have? 1.3. What is intended? 1.4. Type of platforms: aerial and satellite, heliosynchronous and geostationary. 1.5. Types of sensors according to the way of obtaining the data, the type of information recorded, the spectral region to which they are sensitive, etc. 1.6. Typical image processing chain (corrections, improvements, extraction of image information, etc.). 1.7. Basics: pixel; space, spectral, radiometric, temporal and angular resolutions; grayscale and palette images, true color and false color renderings. 1.8. Visual analysis versus digital processing. 1.9. Satellite remote sensing versus aeroported remote sensing and UAV. 1.10. Important characteristics and limitations of remote sensing. 1.11. Brief history of remote sensing. Remote sensing in Spain and internationally: associations, congresses, publications. 1.12. Comment of the recommended bibliography and the main journals. 2. Electromagnetic spectrum and spectral signatures. 2.1. Basic concepts. 2.2. Solar radiation; thermal radiation emitted by the Earth; microwave. 2.3. Spectral signatures. 3. Nature of images. Corrections, improvements, transformations. 3.1. Nature of the images. 3.2. Most common formats in remote sensing. 3.3. Geometric corrections. 3.4. Radiometric corrections. 3.5. Image enhancement. 3.6. Transformations: Vegetation indexes, main components, etc. 4. The interpretation of satellite imagery. 5. Obtaining information from the images. 5.1. Supervised classification. 5.2. Unsupervised classification. 5.3. Mixedclassification. 5.4. Estimation of continuous variables. 5.5. Verification of results. 6. Remote sensing, mapping and geographic information systems. PHOTOGRAMETRY 1. Fundamentals of photogrammetry. 1.1. Introduction. 1.2. Air photogrammetry. 1.3. Measures on photographs and corrections. 1.4. Vertical photography. 1.5. Stereoscopic vision. 1.6. Stereoscopic parallax. 1.7. Rectification. 1.8. Restitution. 2. Topographical photogrammetry. 2.1. Phases of a topographic uprising. 2.2. Classification of photogrammetric surveys. 2.3. Photographic scale. 2.4. Planning of work. Flight projects Plan and flight execution. 2.5. Post-photogrammetric flight operations (restoration, rectification, generation of digital terrain models, etc.). 2.6. Orthophotography versus Rectification. Competences Apply knowledge of remote sensing platforms and sensors to analysing and processing data in different types of studies. Choose the most suitable tools and applications to fulfil the objectives of a project in the field of spatial planning or analysis. Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously. Design and apply a methodology, based on the knowledge acquired, for studying a particular use case. Take a holistic approach to problems, offering innovative solutions and taking appropriate decisions based on knowledge and judgement. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context. Use different specialised GIS and remote sensing software, and other related software. Learning Outcomes Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously. Design and apply a methodology, based on the knowledge acquired, for studying a particular use case. Differentiate between different types of platforms and sensors based on their characteristics and choose ones that are suited to the aims of the study to be performed. Handle different data and metadata formats appropriately. Master the fundamental concepts of the various disciplines related to the position and representation of elements in space, such as photogrammetry, remote sensing and global positioning systems. Represent a real geographic area appropriately in a digital or analogue cartographic document. Take a holistic approach to problems, offering innovative solutions and taking appropriate decisions based on knowledge and judgement. Take informed decisions on the use of remote sensing in land-use studies. Understand the main functions of different programmes used in GIS and remote sensing. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
Science of geographical information: remote sensing and gis

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