electrodynamics and field theory  

1. Quantities describing electromagnetic field and its sources. 1.1. Vector description. 1.2. Tensor description. 1.3. Differential forms. 2. Maxwell field equations. 2.1. Full form of the equations. 2.2. Material equations. 2.3. Differential form of field equations. 2.4. Field discontinuities. 3. Maxwell's methods of solving equations. 3.1. Behavioural laws. 3.2. The problem of unambiguity. 3.3. Potential Theory. 4. Relativistic formulation of electrodynamics. 4.1. Einstein's principle of relativity. 4.2. Minkowski's spacetime. 4.3. Maxwell's equations in covariant form. 4.4. Lorentz transformation for electromagnetic field. 4.5. Variational principle. 5. Theory of radiation. 5.1. Electromagnetic field in media. 5.2. Radiation. The Lienard-Wührtt field. 5.3. Stationary and static fields. 5.4. Hamiltonian form of Maxwell's equations.
electrodynamics and field theory

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