high-energy astrophysics  

1) Radiative transfer - including definitions of: emission and absorption coefficients, specific intensity, optical depth, flux density etc. We will discuss also different solutions of the radiation transfer equation. 2) Thermal radiation and the physical laws that describe this process. 3) Radiation of moving charges – Larmor’s formula and characteristic of this emission. 4) Transformation of the radiation (frequency, energy, angles etc.) from the particle comovig frame to the observer’s frame. 5) Different types of the bremsstrahlung process (thermal, relativistic). 6) From the cyclotron to the synchrotron emission – an useful approximations. 7) Synchrotron emission of a single particle. 8) Synchrotron emission produced by different types of particle energy distributions. 9) Synchrotron self-absorption process. 8) Thompson scattering. 9) Compton scattering. 10) Inverse Compton scattering. 11) Synchrotron self-Compton emission scenario. 12) External inverse-Compton emission scenario. 13) Particle acceleration – first and second order Fermi processes. 14) Evolution of particle energy spectrum.
high-energy astrophysics

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