quantum information  

1. Basic theory of convex sets 2. Basic theory of classical channels and measurements 3. Quatnum mechanics as a on-commutative generalisation of probility calculus. 4. Postulates of quantum mechanics in comparison to classical theory 4. Basics of theory of spin 5. Qubit states and dynamics in Bloch ball 6. Uncertainty principle in Bloch ball 7. Quantum channels and POVMs 8. Composite system and dilation theorems 9. Distinguishability of quantum states 10. Processing states of photon polarisation 11. No-cloning theorem and BB84 protocol 10. CHSH inequality, non-kolmogorovness of quantum theory and no-signaling condition 11. Quantum teleportation 12. Measures and criteria of entanglement 13. Quantum Shor algorithm 14. NMR realisation of quantum computer 15. Quantum tomography, estimation theory, MUBs and POVMs 16. Dynamics of open quantum systems, decoherence, quantum error-correcting codes
quantum information

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