
Principles of spatial data quality (terminology in the field of spatial data quality, the importance of data quality and standardization, standardized data quality models, elements of data quality; data quality control in GIS); Official spatial data sets, voluntary geographic data and information collection; Integration of spatial data sets, process models for transformations between different data formats;interoperability, INSPIRE directive, spatial data infrastructure, semantic integration of spatial data; open GIS; Spatial data for decision-making, methods of multi- criteria decision-making in GIS; Internet and web-GIS, their relation to GIS technology, web communication and spatial data transfer, web GIS; Mobile GIS and spatial data handling in the field; field computers, wireless data transfer and communication; Cost and benefit analysis and its application in the domain of geoinformation, value chain of spatial (geographic) data; Vector and raster data models for graphical presentation of spatial data, 3D- and 4D spatial data models, advantages and weakness; importance and definition of topological rules, visualization; Archiving of spatial data and spatial data backups; optimization of GIS procedures, modelling of data schemes, data migrations protocols, automation of GIS analyses . Intended learning outcomes: Understanding of the spatial data domain and advanced theoretical approaches and technological processes in the field of geoinformation; Understanding of the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of existing data models and data processing methods for a given application domain; Understanding of advanced geoinformatics solutions and capacity of their suitable use for the selected purposes

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