Basics of automation  

Basic concepts of control theory. Types and structures of control systems. Structure of automatic control sys-tem. Elements of auto- mation systems. Modelling of objects and elements of automatics. Operator transmittance, spectral, state space. Controllability and observability. Time and frequency characteristics. Stability - stability criteria. Quality of regulation processes - criteria of regulation qual- ity. Types of correction and types of regulators. Synthesis of control systems by classical methods. Impulse control. Discrete transmit- tance of impulse control system. Digital control - basic structures. Logic and sequential control. Technology of automation systems: measuring devices (angle position sensors), regulators (control- lers), and actuators (setting and executive elements). Automated and robotic systems. Structures of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation ro- bots. Simulation methods of dynamic systems study
Basics of automation

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