Aircraft measurement and diagnostic systems  

Classification of aircraft measuring instruments and systems. Aircraft Traffic Environment. International Standard Atmosphere. On-board installation of air pressure receivers. Aerometric Switch- boards. Angle of attack and glide sensors. Accelerometers and stall transmitters. Aircraft heading measurement. Magnetic and induc- tive compasses. Theory and classification of gyroscopes. Review and characterisation of aeronautical gyroscopes. Characteristics of aeronautical gyroscopic instruments and systems. Measurement and indication of engine exhaust gas temperature. Measurement and indication of rotational speed of engine rotors. Measurement and indication of pressure, fuel quantity and flow rate. Measure- ment and indication of other engine operating parameters (vibra- tions, position of control bodies, unsteady compressor operation, etc.). Essence of technical diagnostics. Basic terms and terminol- ogy. Diagnostic signals and parameters. Diagnostic models. Diag- nostic algorithms. Diagnostic methods and equipment. Expert sys- tems in diagnostic inference process. Artificial neural networks in diagnostic systems. Overview of design solutions for measurement circuits and systems of selected aircraft used in the Polish Armed Forces.
Aircraft measurement and diagnostic systems

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