Aircraft fuels and lubricants  

General information about fuels and lubricants. Aviation fuels - methods of obtaining, properties, energy characteristics. Combus- tion process of hydrocarbon fuels. Basic fuel combustion reactions. Aviation fuels - basic characteristics, normative requirements, as- sortment range and principles of use. Additives to aviation fuels. Methods of assessing resistance to knocking combustion. Fuels for aviation turbine engines - basic characteristics, normative require- ments, assortment range and principles of use. Fuel additives. Air- port control of fuel quality. Deposits and smoking. Malfunctions of aviation turbine engines related to fuel quality. Lubricating oils used in aviation - basic characteristics, normative requirements, range and principles of use. Greases, technical and auxiliary fluids used in aviation. Transport, storage and distribution of fuels and lubri- cants.
Aircraft fuels and lubricants

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